Ahmad Masood Amer is an expert in international development with over eighteen years of experience across a range of sectors and disciplines, including democratic governance, capacity development, conflict analysis and peace building, local government and decentralization, anti-corruption, parliamentary development, and human rights and rule of law. Masood has expertise in programme design and development, policy advice and advocacy, strategic planning, and development impact analysis. He has led a number of high profile assignments including leading the democratic governance programme with the United Nations Development Programme in Afghanistan, as head of citizen participation portfolio leading the task force for establishing of the Afghan Parliament, and team leader of the reintegration initiatives for peace building and conflict resolution project with UNDP Afghanistan. He has published many articles at local and international media and is author of the book on “Afghanistan – The Journey of State Building and Democracy” published July 2020 in London. Masood holds first his master degree in international business law from University of Liverpool and a second master degree in project management from Preston University.
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