As a servant leader, women’s right and civil society activist, Sara has a vast working experience with international organizations and private sectors in counseling, teaching, coaching and management fields. Through her persistence and hard work, she succeeded to her favorite field of study to Law & political science faculty of Balkh University. During this time, she did some extensive research including the interpretation of the Afghanistan Constitution, focusing on the “History of international Humanitarian Rights during the War”. Her work was published on Bayan- Haq journal at the university level.Ms. Gawhary’s most recent positions in Afghanistan were Organizer of TEDx Mazar Conference in Balkh, Manager of Entrepreneurship for empowerment of women project in Welt Hunger Hilfe (WHH).Also, she worked with different INGOs as Co-leader on North GBV Afghanistan, Gender focal point and Education trainer in Save The Children International organization (SCI), Co- organizer, TOEFL instructor and Education advisor of the SRS (Society of Rogue Scholar) consultancy, Course leader in the Promote (Women’s Leadership Development) USAID program, Consultant and trainer under the GIZ Rule of law at the Law & Political science faculty of Balkh University, Instructor and principle of private schools. At the same time, she devoted her time to increasing legal knowledge, professional skills, thesis writing, researching methods, and capacity building of other female students on the matters of law & Sharia. Through her campaigns, many female students were able to participate in these workshops and most of them succeeded to join with various job fair programs, internship programs, Afghanistan Independent Bar Association, Court of appeal, Prosecutor’s office, Human Rights commission, Department of Justice and the Department of Women Affairs. Also, most of them have been working on their own projects and have produced handicrafts, and creativity. In addition , Ms. Gawhary has participated in numerous conferences, trainings, events on topics related to Law, Leadership & Management, Legal Education Support Program- Afghanistan (LESPA) at the School of Law of the University of Washington, International servant leadership principles Training and mentoring course in Co-serve international State of Oregan, U.S.A, Management High Performance (MHP) Training at Save the Children International Kabul, internship with (GIZ) Rule of Law , training on thesis writing for student of Sharia and Law and Political sciences faculties GIZ Rule of Law, TEDx LakhoataLake Conference India, TEDx Golden Bridge Conference India, Jawana Pre- Service Education Program (PSEP) at WLD Promote USAID , Training of Trainer Enterprises Development Service (EDS) at SIYB AFG , Training of Trainer Competency based Economies through Formation of Enterprises (CEFE) at SIYB AFG Sara Gawhary is a bachelor of Law & Political science faculty. she graduated from Leadership program at the Institute of Leadership Development (ILD)in 2019. Recently she finished her Master degree program in Business and Management in Kazakh American Free University with highest (A) score in writing thesis on Effective conflict management in non-governmental organization in 2020. Currently she is leading a non-profit association for empowerment of Afghan women in Germany. She could speak Dari, English and German language.
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